The Government of Lesotho through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in close collaboration with other relevant Ministries and Development Partners (DPs) are implementing the Regeneration of Landscapes and Livelihoods (ROLL) project. The objective of the project is to rehabilitate landscapes in the selected sub-catchments and improve the livelihoods of the inhabitants. This eight-year project is supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Government of Lesotho (GOL). 


2.         Scholarship Award Requirements 

a)       Be enrolled with National University of Lesotho for Academic year 2024/25 under any full-time master’s Programme in the field of Natural/Environmental Sciences

b)        Be willing to undertake research in the field that will assist in sustainable Natural Resources Management. 

c)       The candidate should not be holding any other scholarships from the government or elsewhere to be eligible.

d)       Candidates should have a minimum of second class second division in their undergraduate degrees.


Number of Scholarships Awards

There will be at least FOUR (4) fully funded scholarships for the duration of the field of study (2 years MAX). 


Sponsorship award:

•         Tuition fees (LSL 36,000.00/year) will be paid directly to the university account semesterly. The annual increment of the fee will be catered for by the project.

•         Stipend of M30,000.00 paid in monthly instalments of M2500.00 for 12 months into the student’s local bank account.

•         Laptop and book allowance (LSL 15,000.00) will be paid into the student’s local bank account during the first year of study only.

•         The scholarship is strictly for 2 years. Sponsees will sign a contract with ROLL and the renewal is subject to successful completion of year 1. 

•         Research allowance will be disbursed during the 2nd year of study when such research is undertaken.

The sponsee must be a full-time student who MUST undertake graduate research which will contribute to the objectives of the ROLL project in the long term.


The payment of a scholarship award is stopped in the following cases:


I.        When it becomes impossible for the student to continue their research due to illness or failure in the examination to the master ‘s course or other reasons. 

II.       When the results of the university record are poor to pursue the Program. 

III.      When the professor in charge considers that the student is not qualified to continue studying or continue research. 

IV.      In case the student is improper in their conduct. 

V.       When the student brings discredit to the project and its stakeholders’ reputation.

VI.      When the student makes false reports to the Project or disobeys the rules and/or regulations of the scholarship award.



For this Financial Year 2024/25, the award for master’s scholarship will be piloted at the National University of Lesotho. The target potential beneficiary is the already admitted students enrolled in the first year of the program in the field of natural science or natural resources management that align with the objectives of ROLL. 


Selection Criteria 

First year students at master’s level in natural resources management courses will be considered. Applicants are expected to submit their applications with motivational letter showing their understanding of the Lesotho’s land degradation issues. The scores will be solely based on motivation letter and work experience in natural resources management (55%, 40%, 5% for being a youth) respectively. 



Minimum of one year in Natural Resources Management field including internship and volunteerism. 


5.        How to apply:

Applications should be made through the following link , on or before 21 February 2025 @ 16:30.


Addressed to:

The Project Coordinator

ROLL Project 


The following application documents must be submitted: 


  1. Application letter 
  2. Certified copies of academic record and certificates issued by the last school/university attended. 
  3. Motivation letter (not more than 500 words) indicating knowledge of at least one (1) example of land degradation issues in Lesotho and how the study/ research will help in addressing the problem. 
  4. Letter of Acceptance from the National University of Lesotho 
  5. Personal History and Personal Data (Curriculum Vitae)
  6. Reference letter from a person who can affirm your fitness for the course you are enrolled into.


Important Notice: Even those who applied previously are encouraged to apply through the link